Publication Charges


THE AJHSSR Journal covers the costs of publication through article processing fees. Journal expenses are split among editorial costs, electronic composition and production, journal information system, manuscript management system, electronic archiving, overhead expenses, and administrative costs. Moreover, Journal must cover the costs of publishing the accepted article plus the cost of reviewing articles the journal reject.


For Authors Publication Charges
International Authors 45 USD
Indian Authors 2000 INR
E-Certificate Free

Processing Charge includes:

Publication of one entire research paper Online.

Individual Digital E-certificate to all author of paper

All Author Registration Charges

Editorial Fee

Different ways of depositing fees

    There are following different ways of depositing fees for the publication of accepted articles. THE AJHSSR author can choose anyone according to his/her suitability.

    By depositing fees in near bank branch; With the acceptance letter, author receives the account information. Anyone can deposit fees directly by going nearby bank branch in that account number.

    By online net banking; Author can also use this way for depositing fees in the given account in acceptance letter by activating their net banking option.

    Paypal; This is another alternate way for the author to depositing fees. you can depositing fees by credit card/debit card/visa card/master card as follows online process.

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