Volume 3 ISSUE 4

Volume 3 ISSUE 4

  Author Name : Prihawantoro||Sugema
  Page Number : 01-06
  Country : Indonesia

This paper analysis direct and indirect impact of technological progress on Indonesia's global competitiveness, with economic growth and human development as moderator variables. Time series data on technological progress, economic growth, human development and global competitiveness of Indonesia were collected many sources and employed in a path analysis model. The results showed that technological progress had a negative and significant direct impact on the global competitiveness. Technological progress had also negative and significant direct impact on human development. Furthermore, technological progress had a positive and significant direct impact on economic growth, and economic growth had positive impact on human development and negative impact on global competitiveness. Indirectly, the impacts of technological progress on global competitiveness varied depend on the path. At P43-P31, indirect impact through human development, the impact was negative and significant. At P43-P32-P21, indirect impact through human development and economic growth, the impact was positive and significant. Finally, at P42-P21, indirect impact through economic growth, the impact was negative and significant. These findings confirm other research by Author using cross-nations data.

Keywords - Technological progress; economic growth; human development; global competitiveness.

[1]. Alwin, D. F., and Hauser, R. M., (1975). The Decomposition of Effects in Path Analysis. American Sociological Review, Vol 40, No. 1, pp: 37-47.
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  Author Name : Dr. Mary Acquah|| Dr. Jitendra
  Page Number : 07-12
  Country : ‎India

Background of the study: The occupational health scenario has undergone an enormous growth to develop rapid industrialisation. Women's participation in the labour force plays an important role and contribution to economic productivity. The occupational health and safety policies covering women workers and their work condition should be more effective for the growth of Indian economic development. Study purposes: This paper reviews the major research works on occupational health hazards of working women in India. The various studies covered major hazards like textile industries, constructions, leather industries, bank sectors and call center based on the occupational point of view. Only a few studies focused on occupational health hazards like violence and sexual harassment of working women. Main findings: The present paper describes the various hazards affect the women workers and their health safety measures. In the study the availability and accessibility of employment for women results the good indicator of economic and social inclusion. The women workers have faced the problems like poor working environments, unfair labour practices, low wages, and occupational hazard exposure

Keywords -Unorganised sector, Women workers, Occupational stress and health problems, health hazards, safety and health.

[1] Abhishek Gupta MBA, P. H. D. (2013). Safety and occupational health: Challenges & opportunities in emerging economies. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3(7), 77.
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[3]Dey, S. (2016). Impact of violence against women at workplace in Jharkhand. Global journal for research analysis, 4(12).
[4] Gupta, A., & Gokhale, R. M. (2016). Assessment of Health Problems among Construction Workers in an Urban Area. International Journal of Scientific Research, 5(5).
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  Paper Title : The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Organizational Performance: A Study on Banks in Libya
  Author Name : Dr. Maverick Ahmed Faiz || Dr. Jonathan Faiz
  Page Number : 13-21
  Country : Malaysia

The present study aimed to examine the effect of the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on organizational performance (OP). This study was motivated by the mixed findings in literature regarding the relationships between EO and organizational performance. Owing to the mixed results, a novel stream of research was created and this motivated further examining of the impact of other variables that may shed a light on the nature of the relationship. Several theories have been proposed in literature posit the direct relationships among strategies, resources and capabilities as antecedents of success. In this study, copies of questionnaires were distributed to 300 Libyan banks branches, where 200 copies of questionnaires were returned and analyzed. The proposed hypothesis was tested through PLS-SEM and the study results showed that EO positively predicted organizational performance

Keywords -Entrepreneurial orientation; Organizational performance; Libyan banks.

[1]. Al-Marri, K., Ahmed, A. M. M. B.and Zairi, M. (2007). Excellence in service: an empirical study of the UAE banking sector. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 24(2): 164-76
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[5]Arief, M., Thoyib, A., Sudiro, A.and Rohman, F. (2013). The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the firm performance through strategic flexibility: A study on the SMEs cluster in Malang. Journal of Management Research, 5(3): 44-62
  Paper Title : Challenges In 21st Century of India: Development Induced Displasement
  Author Name : Jinhan Sun || Wenyuan Sun
  Page Number : 22-28
  Country : China

Peasant movements like Chipko (northern India) and peasant protests reveal how policies of economic "development‟or"modernization‟ formulated at the top levels of states, corporations and international financial institutions are often experienced by peasants, rural women, and laborers- as exploitation. In the strategies of economic development, indigenous people, landless peasants, and women are expected to bear the brunt of industrialization, disease, food scarcity and land hunger testify to the impact of this process. (Ramchandra Guha, The Unquiet Woods, pp.195-196, 1990)

1. Chow, W. S. and Chan, L. S. (2008). Social network, social trust and shared goals in organizational knowledge sharing. Information & Management, 45(7): 458-65.
Covin, J. G. and Slevin, D. P. (1989). Strategic management of small firms in hostile and benign environments.
3- Strategic management journal, 10(1): 75-87.
4- Covin, J. G., Green, K. M.and Slevin, D. P. (2006). Strategic process effects on the entrepreneurial orientation–sales growth rate relationship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(1): 57-81.
5- Dada, O. L. and Watson, A. (2013). Entrepreneurial orientation and the franchise system: Organisational antecedents and performance outcomes. European Journal of Marketing, 47(5/6): 790-812
  Paper Title : Research on College Students' Sense of Social Responsibility during the COVID-19 Epidemic
  Author Name : Hengyan Ding
  Page Number : 35-42
  Country : China

The purpose of this little essay is to address one living medieval aspect pertaining to the Northeast region of Brazil. It shall be a matter of comprehending the myth of the apocalyptic return of Dom Sebastião, the king of Portugal (1554-1578), who would not have properly passed away during the Battle of the Three Kings (1578). As a matter of fact a very different sort of bane would have come about. After having been defeated in the typically Cruzade battle of Alcácer-Quibir, in Marocco, the king would have vanished from the battle field, to loose his human shape and, by dint of a mysterious charm, acquire the form of a bull. Furthermore, there is a huge eschatological hope still cherished by the poor population dwelling on the islands inhering the location of Lençóis, in the Brazilian state of Maranhão. On the islands of Lençóis, the so charmed king expects the day of his return, when a millenial kingdom of justice shall be installed. Such intriguing presence of a medieval heritage concerning the hopes and devotional practices of very poor portions of Brazilian population shall be the matter upon which we cast historiographical doubt in this paper. Actually, though not completely or being the only historical explanation, Portuguese colonization in America features a profound medieval impregnation in terms of the imaginary regarding the colonial society, which continues to take effect in nowaday Brazilian society, specially behooving historically excluded strata of the population.

Keywords - King Sebastian of Portugal; King Arthur of Camelot; Maranhão

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